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What we do

Our expertise

How we work

To achieve the best possible results, we believe it’s essential to work in close partnership with our clients. We constantly communicate and challenge each other in order to innovate and improve both ourselves and our solutions.

We develop effective software for clients the agile way. From experience we gained over 25 years of service to financial organizations, we learned that our clients benefit from using this development method on projects. The leading reasons are improvement of efficiency and cost management, significant increase in business agility, improvement in customer experience and better compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Partnerships

    We develop software utilizing the agile development method. The client is our partner in the development of the concept, architecture and throughout the whole project.

  • Teams

    Teams in Davinci are self-driven with team members distributing the tasks and guiding the project to the right direction.

  • Iterations

    The development process is divided into iterations which are regularly presented to the client. Our client always knows in what stage of the development process we are at.

Technologies & certificates

A thoughtful selection of technologies helps us serve our clients better and improve effectivity of the development process. At Davinci, we strongly focus on efficiency, collaboration and security.

As a part of our 2016+ strategy, we specialize in the development, operation and continuous improvement of cloud services. We respond to our customers’ demand for a variable cost model (pay per use), as well as the ability to scale-up, and have a higher performance level.

We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting our software services. AWS infrastructure is certified to compliance standards including ISO 27001, ISO 27018, SOC 1, 2 & 3 as well as PDI DSS Level 1. In the past the Dutch Financial Services Authority, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), has also clarified that the requirement for supervision is met by institutions using Amazon Web Services, meaning that Dutch financial organisations, including banks and insurance companies, can move their technology infrastructure to the AWS cloud.
READ MORE on Cloud & SaaS.