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Notary services

For more than 15 years, Davinci has been executing large projects for various organizations related to notaries and registers. Commissioned by the Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (KNB), we the aim of optimizing the business processes of notaries and their partners by using new, centralized IT solutions. In all cases, the PEC (Platform Elektronische Communicatie) - an advanced KNB owned communication and application platform - is being utilized.

Our expertise

Our main knowledge of the notary sector includes chain integration, automated checks and registers optimization. In these areas we provide:

  • Business analysis and project management services

  • Implementation considering legal contexts, security and user management

  • Functional support and maintenance

Notary chain integration

Davinci is responsible for the design, implementation, certification, project management and functional support of the following chain integration initiatives:

Electronic Mortgage Communication (ECH)

One of our largest developments with regards to the notary ship is the ECH (Electronic Mortgage Communication) norm which is currently used by a fair share of the Dutch mortgage providers as well as all notaries.

On behalf of the the Royal Notary Organization (KNB), Davinci is the partner for implementation (consultancy, testing and certification), provides project management, and functional support of the standard and the infrastructure.

The Digital Bank Guarantee

Davinci has brought KNB and Nationale Waarborg together, designed and tested the older version of NWB Online, which was also disclosed through the PEC platform.

Nationale Waarborg is the only bank guarantee provider, which is authorized by the KNB to submit digital bank guarantees and notes. NWB Online provides all notary offices with an access to guarantees of the Nationale Borg. The notary office can view and reject the bank guarantee or can let it be corrected, renewed and passed.

Collaboration of KNB and HDN

Both HDN and KNB use specialized knowledge of Davinci over many years. Now, KNB and HDN explore the possibilities of integrating the mortgage and notary chains together.

Linking both platforms would enable intermediaries and notaries to exchange messages with each other. Read more on the latest developments concerning the collaboration on www.knb.nl and www.hdn.nl.

Automated checks

For each client file, notaries must gather information from various sources. With our help, these checks can now be performed more effectively via a web application or automatically through a web service interface:

Municipal personal records database (GBA-V) and TMV

A notary can now search the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA) more effectively. The latest central components of the BRP system, GBA-V and TMV are also supported.

All data from the municipal GBA systems is centrally stored in one national database, the GBA-V. The GBA-V contains the personal details of all persons who live in the Netherlands and is kept up to date by the municipal GBA systems. An online service makes the current personal details available to authorised organisations, like the Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (KNB).

Verification Information System (VIS)

Notaries can now search through VIS – a system for preventing identity fraud. VIS contains information on stolen, lost or otherwise invalid identity documents. The functionality is provided to notaries via a web application and a web service interface.

Commissioned by the KNB, Davinci contributed to the analysis, design, testing and acceptance of the interface and still provides functional support.

Registers optimization

Over the years, Davinci has gained knowledge and experience in design, implementation, migration and management of these registers:

Central Digital Repertory (CDR)

Davinci was asked by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration and the Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (KNB) to take on the project management and to a large extent also the execution of the Central Digital Repertory project. Davinci delivered a design for a centralized, digitalized and secured solution for:

  • the registration of all notarial deeds via a web application or a web service interface,
  • the storage of all digitally signed certified copies of deeds by notaries,
  • the filing of transfer tax forms by notaries.

Central Register of Last Wills (CTR)

In 2007, there was a shift of the Register ownership from the Ministry of Justice to the KNB. Davinci utilized this opportunity to change the semi-automated register to a fully automated one. More than 11 million records were flawlessly migrated to a new database.

A notary can now register a last will on a protocol level and find a testator in case of bereavement. The functionality is offered through a web application and through web services within and outside the notary ship.

Nowadays, Davinci still provides functional support for the CTR.

Central Register of Living Wills (CLTR)

Recently an electronic register has been introduced for the living wills. A notary can register and search a living will on the protocol level. The functionality is offered through a web application and through a web service interface.

Commissioned by the KNB, Davinci contributed to the analysis, testing and acceptance of the new register, including data migration. Davinci still provides functional support for the register.

Digital Seizure Register (DBR)

Commissioned by the Royal Professional Organisation of Judicial Officers in The Netherlands (KBvG), Davinci designed the Digital Seizure Register. With the realisation of the DBR all judicial officers in the Netherlands (members of the KBvG) will be able to manage seizures in one central system.

The design of the system is flexible in such a way that other seizing institutes in the Netherlands will be able to connect to the register reasonably easy.

“Davinci and KNB have been developing projects for the Dutch notaryship for more than 15 years. KNB has got to know the Davinci employees as honourable, driven, creative and competent. The company is a valuable partner in the development of a digital vision for the notary.”

Geert Lekkerkerker

Directeur en Legal Advisor, KNB

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