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We innovate the market

Innovation is rooted in our DNA. Already for 25 years, we have been working hard to change the finance market for the better with our effective solutions. We have a proven track record and distinctive results.


HDN was founded by Davinci 22 years ago. Currently, all major Dutch mortgage, loan and insurance providers are connected via HDN (Mortgage Data Network). HDN is a state of the art communication platform that facilitates standardization in the mortgage market.This results in more efficient processes, reduction of operating costs and the possibility to provide consumers with quick feedback on their requests. All daily activities associated with operations, development and management of the standard are provided by Davinci.


The Davinci initiative ECH (Electronic Mortgage Communication) was developed in 2003 as a norm to facilitate communication between the Dutch mortgage providers and notaries. The ECH messaging norm supports all phases in the process of mortgage loan establishment and release in a fast, uniform and safe manner. This results in a significant increase in process efficiency, reduction of operating costs and availability of up-to-date feedback at all times. At the moment a fair share of the Dutch mortgage providers as well as all notaries use ECH. On behalf of the Royal Notary Organization (KNB) Davinci is the ECH implementation partner (advice, testing, certification), and takes care of functional management of the standard and the whole infrastructure.
READ MORE on Notary services


Skydoo is an initiative of Davinci and Door van Basten utilized by several lenders on the Dutch mortgage market. Skydoo is a fast, efficient and reliable platform facilitating the process of obtaining a mortgage and its acceptance for intermediaries and lenders. Skydoo optimizes the mortgage process by carrying out various checks early in the process. This provides the intermediaries and lenders with a better, faster and cost efficient mortgage process. Davinci is responsible for all daily activities associated with operations, development and management of the platform.
READ MORE on Mortgage Origination, Servicing and Recovery

Automated document processing

Our ultimate goal is to optimize client business processes via automation. As a software provider in the mortgage and loan sector we started to investigate automated document processing techniques more than 10 years ago. We have come a long way, and nowadays data extraction techniques are incorporated in most of our solutions. Thanks to our comprehensive research and effort, mortgage providers cut the origination process from several weeks to only a couple of minutes.
READ MORE on Automated document processing

Cloud & SaaS

We bring new technologies to the traditional financial sector. We have been advocating ”cloud” over ”on premise” software delivery for years, and now as an AWS Technology Partner, we can help our clients move their technology infrastructure to the AWS cloud and save costs, enjoy the scalability benefits and yet maintain high security standards.
READ MORE on Cloud & Saas

Our initiatives & activities

We also like to innovate ourselves, network and share. That is why we create and get involved in different initiatives.
These are some of them:

Davinci Academy is our internal project for education. In this program, employees conduct a research on an industry topic of their interest. Participants of this research program are becoming experts on the particular topic and share their knowledge with others. Building strong market knowledge helps us provide better service to our clients.

Davinci has a cooperation with the Linguistics Department of the University of Nijmegen (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) in which we apply academic knowledge to practical product software development in the fields of machine learning, data extraction and file separation. We have a long-term cooperation with the University of Žilina (Slovakia) with the aim of bringing the academic practices closer to the real commercial software development.

JUGZA (Java User Group Žilina) is a project for Java enthusiasts, who meet once a month to discuss different topics from the field. The aim is to offer an interactive workshop for people interested in Java, network and share experience with each other.

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AWS User Group Slovakia is an official gathering of cloud enthusiasts, developers and other professionals interested in using Amazon Web services. We set up the initiative with the aim of discussing AWS based topics, sharing real-life examples with each other and learning what this technology can bring to us and to our clients.

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