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Cloud & Saas

Costs reduction and decrease in staffing are some of the reasons why our customers search for IT solutions in a form of SaaS (Software as a Service). The cloud-infrastructure enables us to deliver our services in the most secure and scalable way and with the highest availability level (24/7).

  • What is SaaS?

    Software distribution model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.

  • What is Cloud hosting?

    Services hosted over the internet in a flexible way to allow for a scalable, and reliable web infrastructure.

Our Cloud expertise

  • Cloud

    We introduce cloud as a hosting option for a wide range of applications and web-based services and help our clients suggest an ideal setup for their current and new architectures that will be eventually hosted in the cloud environment.

  • Cloud

    In the cloud we create an optimal infrastructure, implement an appropriate security framework, propose a user management model, ensure uninterrupted cloud hosted service and data backup and install Davinci or other 3rd party products.

  • Cloud operations
    and monitoring

    Clients can decide to move the operational support and monitoring of their cloud infrastructure(s) to our experienced and certified Cloud team that has a rigorous approach to security considering the nature and sensitivity of the managed data.

Saas products we offer

  • BisBKR is a SaaS product that enables automatic data retrieval from BKR (largest credit information database in the Netherlands).

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  • DocStreet, an intelligent SaaS based solution, enables automated document processing and analysis in loan and mortgage origination.

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  • Close Suite is an advanced mid- and back-office solution which allows your organization to conduct the whole lending process digitally.

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Why Saas?

  • Variable costing model (pay per use) allows for minimized upfront investments

  • High performance due to the scalability benefit

  • No software licensing and infrastructural obligations for clients

  • Lower costs for clients (in terms of personnel, hardware, etc.)

  • Fully managed service by Davinci

  • Flexibility based on workload and current needs

Security & compliance

Amazon Technology Partner

Davinci is an Amazon Technology Partner. We make use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting of our software services, which is compliant with the security policies of the Dutch financial institutions and the Dutch legislation. Amazon is one of the cloud providers who agreed on the right to examine which is needed to get an approval from the DNB (Dutch National Bank) when delivering services to financial institutions.

Data protection

A lot of attention is geared towards using the cloud based solutions in relation to data protection. Besides the standard provisions (technical and legal) provided by Amazon to ensure data protection, additional contractual arrangements have been made with Amazon to protect the data that is processed by our services. Our services run on the infrastructure provided by Amazon in Ireland and Frankfurt.

SOC (Service Organization Control)

Given the sensitive nature of our solutions, control and assurance on services provided is of high importance. This is the reason why we have made the choice for the SOC2 assurance reporting based on audits by an external auditor (BDO). This results in a yearly report in which all the controls of a managed service have been audited. The audit results are shared with our customers thus they have a transparent view on the quality of service we provide.

Schedule a one-on-one demo

Speak to our consultants about how we can help you reach your goals and schedule a free demo.

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